Sunday, August 26, 2012

Apple vs. Samsung US verdict is in... but we have no idea what it is yet!

Apple vs. Samsung US verdict is in... but we have no idea what it is yet!

According to a sudden flooding of reports, the jury in the Apple vs. Samsung U.S. trial has come to a verdict...

...and we won't find out what that verdict is until later this afternoon.

Yes, just like American Idol, when they tease results and then cut to commercial, all we can do now is wait until later this afternoon, Pacific Time, to find out more.

Both Apple and Samsung have spent weeks in trial, and millions of dollars presenting their case. Apple has claimed Samsung is a copycat writ large, and Samsung has responded vigorously in the negative. Along the way we've seen some interesting iPhone and iPad prototypes, gotten a glimpse at some interesting moments in iPhone and iPad history, seen what Apple originally offered Samsung, and watched executives on both sides not come to any settlements, but mostly just watched the legal system strut and fret its hours upon the courtroom stage.

So grab a tasty snack, pour some spicy drink, and settle in. We'll update with what will likely be the incredibly complex, item by item, device by device, patent by patent verdict as soon as it becomes available.



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